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movement on and off the page – and beyond the edges!

museum brandhorst
sunday, april
30, 1 - 4pm


how can I playfully and creatively make visible what moves and touches me? how can I paint with my body? and how can I paint exactly as I feel?


the workshop invites artists of all ages to encounter themselves and others in a new way. with the help of creative movement tasks, we make visible what our bodies carry within them. there are no limits to colour, shape or size, and previous experience is not necessary—all that is needed is a bit of curiosity and willingness to experiment!



the workshop is part of the ongoing and intergenerational drop-in format 'open factory', which takes place every sunday from 1 to 4pm at museum brandhorst.


more information here.




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©ceal floyer


bewegungsräume   interactive walk through the exhibition "was von 100 tagen übrig blieb... die documenta und das lenbachhaus"

städtische galerie im lenbachhaus und kunstbau münchen
sunday, april 21st, 
2–3pm // 4.30–-5.30pm


how can human and material bodies fill and influence a space? who decides who or what is allowed to claim space in a museum? and how do we make the museum a space, in which we are allowed to take up space and, especially, be?

after a short introduction into the exhibition and some of its artworks, we will creatively explore these questions together, using our bodies to create and curate new spaces.


the workshop is part of the international museum day 2023. 


more information here.




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